* NSWPSA Membership Renewal 2015/16


Hi everyone, it’s that time of the year again for NSWPSA Membership Renewal.     NSWPSA has made a few changes.  

NSWPSA will not be accepting cash being handed to NSWPSA Committee members.  Members can pay cash into the bank account listed below using their name as reference and sending a copy of the deposit slip with their membership renewal form.   For Renewal form, Code of Ethics & Update Points Log forms, click here
 Account Name:   New South Wales Professional Skaters Association 

Bank:  NAB                    BSB: 082 121                     Account Number: 01962 9896 

All membership fees need to be paid in full by June 30, 2015.  Any fees not paid by this time will incur a $10 per month late fee.

Direct deposits require your name as reference and a copy of your transaction needs to be included with your membership renewal form.

All Trainer & Mentor Application forms are to be sent to:  
APSA by email
APSA by mail: PO Box 4138, Macquarie Centre, North Ryde 2113. 

Update points are to be scanned and emailed to: 
NSWPSA Update Points Officer  –  Lynette Schultz
If you have updated or changed your email address in the last year could you make sure it is noted on your renewal form. 
Kind Regards,

Cathy Evans 

President NSW PSA