* NSW Sport & Recreation Courses

NSW Sport & Rec




Running Your Club

Where:           Blacktown
Address:       Max Webber Library
Date:              Monday 14th March 2016
Time:             6:30pm to 10:00pm
Cost:              $10 per person
Program#:    75421



Sponsorship, Fundraising & Grants
Where:           Baulkham Hills
Address:       The Hills Shire Council, 3 Columbia Court
Date:              Monday 21st March 2016
Time:             6:30pm to 9:30pm
Cost:              FREE – subsidised by The Hills Shire Council (refer to conditions)

Program#:    75180



Risk Management for Sports Clubs and Events

Where:           Penrith
Address:       Penrith City Council Civic Centre, 601 High Street
When:            Wednesday 23rd March 2016
Time:             6:30pm to 9:30pm
Cost:              $25 per person
Program #:   75054



Social Media for Sport

Where:           Dee Why
Address:       Warringah Council Civic Centre, Flannel Flower Room, 725 Pittwater Road
When:            Monday 4th April 2016
Time:             6:30pm to 9:30pm
Cost:              $10 per person
Program #:   76073



Member Behaviour and Welfare in Sport **NEW**

Where:           Baulkham Hills
Address:       The Hills Shire Council, 3 Columbia Court
Date:              Wednesday 13th April 2016
Time:             6:30pm to 8:30pm
Cost:              FREE – subsidised by The Hills Shire Council (refer to conditions)
Program#:    75183



Managing Senior Club and Representative Teams (Level 2)

Where:           Baulkham Hills
Address:       The Hills Shire Council, 3 Columbia Court
Date:              Saturday 30th April 2016
Time:             8:30am to 5:00pm
Cost:              FREE (normally $121) – subsidised by The Hills Shire Council (refer to conditions)
Program#:    75181



Enrolment instructions:

If you are interested or know somebody that may benefit from attending any of the workshops, it is not too late to make a booking.

To enrol over the phone please call 13 13 02 during office hours of 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday. Attached is an enrolment form if you wish to email it direct to me.

You may also use our Online Application through the links provided or through our website at www.sportandrecreation.nsw.gov.au

Should you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact me anytime on the below details.

Kind regards,

Miguel Andrade | Development Officer
Central Region| Sport and Recreation | Office of Sport

Level 3, 6b Figtree Drive, Sydney Olympic Park, NSW 2127 | Locked Bag 1422, Silverwater, NSW 2128

( (02) 8754 8857 | ( 0411 205 088 | Fax: (02) 8754 7933 | * miguel.andrade@sport.nsw.gov.au
